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Ealy ScentScentsations

Lead Consultant

(214) 450-2240

My Story

I saw someone with a Scentsy Buddy one day and I inquired about it. I loved it so much. I found a consultant and said "what do I need to do to get started" That was five years ago. Scentsy afforded me the opportunity to be able to work part time from home. What I love is the fact that I get to share something that I love and I get to do it on my time and at my pace. I determine how much I sell and that determines how much I make. Who doesn't need an extra tank of gas or just that extra push every now and then. Scentsy offers that to me. Another benefit that I love about Scentsy is it gives back to worthy causes and that hits home with me. As I stated, Scentsy started out as a part time hobby for me, however, the closer I get to my retirement date the more I realize just how much I want to grow my business even more. Scentsy will afford me the opportunity go grow my business and be able spend more time with my children and grandchildren and be able to live the lifestyle I have always dreamed of.

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